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Obtain land ownership and cadastral plan certificates
(last modified: 7/26/2017)

Contact details

Entity in charge

Agency for real estate cadastre

Major Cede Filipovski , Gostivar 1230
Tel: +389 42 21 30 66

Unit in charge

Information and reception desk

Mon: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30
Tue: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30
Wed: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30
Thu: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30
Fri: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30

Person in charge

Emin Mehdiji

Administrative Assistant
Tel: +389 42 21 30 66

Expected results

Confirmation for submitted application 01 - Confirmation for submitted application
Land ownership certificate 01 - Land ownership  certificate
Cadastral plan certificate 01 - Cadastral plan certificate


1. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Land ownership application form (original)
2. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Cadastral plan application form (original)


Cost detail


MKD 183
cadastral certificate
MKD 180
Land ownership certificate
Payment methods: credit cards
Payment can be done directly in the cadastral office with any bank card.

Time frame

Waiting time in queue: Min. 5mn - Max. 10mn
Attention at counter: Min. 5mn - Max. 15mn

Legal justification

1. Law on cadastral real estate (MK)
Law on cadastral real estate (MK)
articles 8, 156(item1, 2)
2. Law on cadastral real estate (Al)
Law on cadastral real estate (Al)
articles 8, 156(item1, 2)
3. Tariff for geodetic and cadastral data system (MK)
Tariff for geodetic and cadastral data system (MK)
articles 8, 10

Additional information

When you enter the cadastral office on the right there is a machine for queue number, you select what document you are there to obtain and then wait your number to be called.
Queue number machine/  Aparati për numër të pritjes Queue number machine/ Aparati për numër të pritjes
Queue number/ Numri i pritjes Queue number/ Numri i pritjes

Recourse: Agency for real estate cadastre

Entity in charge

Agency for real estate cadastre

Major Cede Filipovski , Gostivar 1230
Tel: +389 42 21 30 66

Unit in charge

Information and reception desk

Mon: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30
Tue: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30
Wed: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30
Thu: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30
Fri: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-16:30

Person in charge

Mahir Bajrami

Tel: +389 42 21 17 62
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